Anyway, we start the week with the good news that my mom and dad have kept those promotions rolling in. Both of them were promoted to the Vice Squad on Monday. Mom decided to stick to this career for a while until she reached the top. She thinks it'll be a good preparation for one day becoming a General. I guess the police and the military have their similarities. Ah well, whatever suits her best...
We also celebrated loads of birthdays this week. First up was my own! I became the first teenager in the house, though the twins were soon to follow. We threw a quiet little party at home with just the closest friends in attendance. And it seems that grandma and Abhijeet showing up in their undies has become a bit of a tradition *chuckles*. I swear that woman is getting battier by the day as she grows older. She insists that she wants to have at least fifty dream dates before she dies. I don't think she's far away from that now. Shame I won't be here to see her reach her goal, since I'm off to college soon, but more to that later.
Here's my birthday picture. Not bad looking, if I can say so myself. People say I look a bit preppy though. I guess it's true, since conservative values are very important to me. Especially family and things like that. Yeah, I decided to follow my dad's footsteps and become a family sim. He couldn't be more thrilled, since this means loads of grandkids for him. I think he's still a bit disappointed that mom didn't go along with his plan of having ten kids. Would have held up her career too much. I personally don't care much about that kind of thing. I just want to find a good wife that I can grow old with.
Hendrik Stevenson: Family, with a LTW to reach his Golden Anniversary
Cancer: 6 neat, 1 shy, 6 active, 7 playful, 5 nice
Cancer: 6 neat, 1 shy, 6 active, 7 playful, 5 nice
I got started on finding one right away, actually. I met this girl named Trista, and even managed to get up the courage to ask her for my first kiss. It was awesome!

It was a busy week. I worked hard on my scholarships and grandma worked hard on dating, and generally there was never a quiet moment in the house. One of us was constantly bringing friends home from school and stuff. I think half of the neighbours' kids practically grew up on our front lawn. Mom and dad didn't mind. Mom never leaves out a chance to make a friend anyway. This is what a normal schoolday afternoon looked like:

As I said, grandma continued on her dating spree as if there was no tomorrow. And at times I got the feeling that she was the main source of income for the house. She definitely did her part for refurbishing the house and adding a second story so there'd be more room. Heck, one night Abhijeet even brought two expensive presents at once! The guy must be loaded!

The next birthday we had was Chloe's. We had another quiet party since she was too small to really appreciate it anyway. I was glad that the time of bottles and diaper changes was over, though I could hardly concentrate on the party with Trista over.

Dad did most of the training for my little sister. He was the one who really wanted another baby, after all. It was no wonder that the first word she learned was "daddy". That smart milk stuff is really great, by the way. I've got to remember that for when I have kids myself. Mom and dad said they wouldn't have made it through the twins' toddlerhood without it.

Meanwhile, mom was busy doing a great job at work. She was all over the news for playing a major role in arresting a bunch of criminals. Way to go, mom! Oh, and as you can see both my parents were promoted to SWAT team before that. They're both Lieutenants now, actually. They say they enjoy working together, since they get to spend more time with each other that way. I guess with four kids and a crazy grandma about the place, they don't usually have time for that at home.

The twins' birthdays were next. This time we had a few more people around, even if it wasn't an official party. As I said, there were always more than enough guests at our house anyway for a nice celebration. Here's Frederik blowing out his candles.

I know what he wished for as well. He wants to have loads of money once he's grown up. I guess he'll need it, since he's going to have to start a completely new household. After all, only one of us can move back to my parents' house after college.

It was a busy week. I worked hard on my scholarships and grandma worked hard on dating, and generally there was never a quiet moment in the house. One of us was constantly bringing friends home from school and stuff. I think half of the neighbours' kids practically grew up on our front lawn. Mom and dad didn't mind. Mom never leaves out a chance to make a friend anyway. This is what a normal schoolday afternoon looked like:
As I said, grandma continued on her dating spree as if there was no tomorrow. And at times I got the feeling that she was the main source of income for the house. She definitely did her part for refurbishing the house and adding a second story so there'd be more room. Heck, one night Abhijeet even brought two expensive presents at once! The guy must be loaded!
The next birthday we had was Chloe's. We had another quiet party since she was too small to really appreciate it anyway. I was glad that the time of bottles and diaper changes was over, though I could hardly concentrate on the party with Trista over.
Chloe Stevenson: Aries; 6 neat, 9 outgoing, 6 active, 4 serious, 6 nice
Dad did most of the training for my little sister. He was the one who really wanted another baby, after all. It was no wonder that the first word she learned was "daddy". That smart milk stuff is really great, by the way. I've got to remember that for when I have kids myself. Mom and dad said they wouldn't have made it through the twins' toddlerhood without it.
Meanwhile, mom was busy doing a great job at work. She was all over the news for playing a major role in arresting a bunch of criminals. Way to go, mom! Oh, and as you can see both my parents were promoted to SWAT team before that. They're both Lieutenants now, actually. They say they enjoy working together, since they get to spend more time with each other that way. I guess with four kids and a crazy grandma about the place, they don't usually have time for that at home.
The twins' birthdays were next. This time we had a few more people around, even if it wasn't an official party. As I said, there were always more than enough guests at our house anyway for a nice celebration. Here's Frederik blowing out his candles.
I know what he wished for as well. He wants to have loads of money once he's grown up. I guess he'll need it, since he's going to have to start a completely new household. After all, only one of us can move back to my parents' house after college.
Frederik Stevenson: Fortune, with a LTW to be a Business Tycoon
Virgo: 10 neat, 2 shy, 2 lazy, 5 playful, 6 nice
Virgo: 10 neat, 2 shy, 2 lazy, 5 playful, 6 nice
Here's a picture of the guests, with Sophie blowing out her own candles. She decided that she wanted to know everything there was and dedicate her life to learning. I guess she wanted to go down a path that nobody in our family has taken before. Now the only thing that we don't have represented in the house is a romance sim. I hope Chloe doesn't chose that though. It's asking for trouble, if you ask me.

Looks like with all the partying we forgot to take a picture of her right after she grew up, but I have a nice one right here of her with her first boyfriend, Orlando Centowski. I caught her by surprise taking this when she wasn't looking. Don't tell her I showed you though, because I think she might kill me. She's so easily embarrassed by stuff like this. I'm surprised she got her nose out of the books long enough to even get a boyfriend, actually. Another thing that surprises me is what she wants to do with her future. The daughter of two police people wants to become a criminal. I guess she's got a rebellious streak after all. Of course my parents don't know yet, or they'd freak out.

Looks like with all the partying we forgot to take a picture of her right after she grew up, but I have a nice one right here of her with her first boyfriend, Orlando Centowski. I caught her by surprise taking this when she wasn't looking. Don't tell her I showed you though, because I think she might kill me. She's so easily embarrassed by stuff like this. I'm surprised she got her nose out of the books long enough to even get a boyfriend, actually. Another thing that surprises me is what she wants to do with her future. The daughter of two police people wants to become a criminal. I guess she's got a rebellious streak after all. Of course my parents don't know yet, or they'd freak out.
Sophie Stevenson: Knowledge, with a LTW to be a Criminal Mastermind
Capricorn: 6 neat, 1 shy, 2 lazy, 9 playful, 7 nice
Capricorn: 6 neat, 1 shy, 2 lazy, 9 playful, 7 nice
Talking of work, I managed to reach the top of my teenage career this week, just in time to grab the scholarship before I leave. I'm the team mascot now. Since I'm also an A+ student that makes me an overachiever! Dad was so proud. I'd have stayed home a bit longer, but Sarah is leaving for college this week already and I want to join her there.

Oh yeah, I haven't told you about Sarah yet, haven't I. Well, if you look back at the picture from the twins' birthday, that's her right in the middle. She lives right down the street from us and just moved in as well, so we have a lot in common. We even have the same goals in life! ((Right down to the same LTW, lol)). The moment I met her at that fastfood joint where she works, I knew that she was 'the one'.

I feel kind of bad about it, because both of us are already seeing someone else, but when fate strikes, you can't fight it. I have no idea how I'd ever make Trista understand, though. In the end, we both decided that it was best to keep our relationship on the down-low until we go to college. Trista hasn't mentioned going, and I don't think Sarah's boyfriend is either, so it'll be easier to let them down gently just by telling them that the distance thing doesn't work. I guess it's a bit of a cowardly thing to do, but better than breaking someone's heart, right?
The last thing that happened this week was that Chloe grew up into a child as well. I can't seem to find pictures of her birthday at all, even though I knew that there was at least a cake. Ah well. Here's one of the two of us playing games that evening, after she'd going and changed her hair. She didn't really like the messy cut she had when she was little.

Now that the youngest is growing up too, I'm thinking it wasn't such a bad idea to move out early. The house is getting quite full, and everyone's always hogging the phone when you need it. I'm hoping that with me and Sarah's money combined we can rent our own little place at college and have some peace. I'll see you there!
End of round accomplishments:
- Michael and Cathleen grabbed a few promotions each.
- The older kids all grew to teens and Chloe became a toddler, then a child
- Frederik became an overachiever
- The teens started dating and Frederik met the woman of his dreams
- Frederik moved to college
- Samantha reached her 39th dream date
Points this round: None
Oh yeah, I haven't told you about Sarah yet, haven't I. Well, if you look back at the picture from the twins' birthday, that's her right in the middle. She lives right down the street from us and just moved in as well, so we have a lot in common. We even have the same goals in life! ((Right down to the same LTW, lol)). The moment I met her at that fastfood joint where she works, I knew that she was 'the one'.
I feel kind of bad about it, because both of us are already seeing someone else, but when fate strikes, you can't fight it. I have no idea how I'd ever make Trista understand, though. In the end, we both decided that it was best to keep our relationship on the down-low until we go to college. Trista hasn't mentioned going, and I don't think Sarah's boyfriend is either, so it'll be easier to let them down gently just by telling them that the distance thing doesn't work. I guess it's a bit of a cowardly thing to do, but better than breaking someone's heart, right?
The last thing that happened this week was that Chloe grew up into a child as well. I can't seem to find pictures of her birthday at all, even though I knew that there was at least a cake. Ah well. Here's one of the two of us playing games that evening, after she'd going and changed her hair. She didn't really like the messy cut she had when she was little.
Now that the youngest is growing up too, I'm thinking it wasn't such a bad idea to move out early. The house is getting quite full, and everyone's always hogging the phone when you need it. I'm hoping that with me and Sarah's money combined we can rent our own little place at college and have some peace. I'll see you there!
End of round accomplishments:
- Michael and Cathleen grabbed a few promotions each.
- The older kids all grew to teens and Chloe became a toddler, then a child
- Frederik became an overachiever
- The teens started dating and Frederik met the woman of his dreams
- Frederik moved to college
- Samantha reached her 39th dream date
Points this round: None
6 Kommentare:
So Grandma is up to her 39th dream date; well done! No wonder everytime I see her she's in her underwear. There's probably no time to put it back on before starting another date. The money from the gifts she acquired must have come in handy though.
All the growing up pictures were nice, although how Sophie's going to explain about her criminal tendencies to her parents I don't know. After such a busy week I'm amazed there were no points this round. Although I have a feeling there's 10 fo Grandma very soon. Really nice update.
You have some interesting famalies. I can't believe you your elder has had 39 dream dates. Mines been played a week and he only has a couple, then again I'm no good at getting them dates. Welldone.
Fantastic job on the Dream Dates. I'm very impressed. Awww! Frederick & Sarah make a cute couple. Can't wait to see them in Uni.
Wow - I'm VERY impressed with the dream date count. I'm inspired. Your sims are all doing so well!
Und... Ich spreche (nur) ein bischen Deutsch. Wohnst du in Deutschland? (Also I don't have umlauts on my computer! lol)
Wow! So much going on this week! Love all the birthday photos. How many Sims can you get on the lawn? lol Sophie and Orlando, how cute :) Congrats to Frederik for becoming an overachiever! 39 dream dates? Good for Grandma! Super update!!!
Wow - what a busy household! So, you're not going for 10 kids - but I bet the next generation might?!
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