Oh wait, you're already here? Shoo for a minute, will you? We need some space in here!
Okay, so now that he's gone I guess I have some time to chat before I can invite the next man over. They don't answer calls in the middle of the night, not even if they're booty calls from me. As you see, I've been doing quite well in the romance department. That good looking young man whose name I can't seem to remember wasn't the only one. The kids are so used to it by now that they barely notice anymore.
Of course, they've been having fun as well. I'm probably the only parent in this town that lets them have parties whenever they want. The house has become a popular hangout for the neighbourhood teens.
Sometimes it got a bit out of hand though. This one time when the girls were having their friends over, Katelyn nearly fell asleep at the table. She's lucky she didn't get a face full of hamburger.
They ended up making it a sleepover party and everyone went to bed sometime near 2am. I had to give up my own bed so that everyone could have some rest. I didn't mind though. I was probably on a date anyway, and if worse comes to worse, there's always the energizer.
Keira's the most rebellious one. She snuck out with her friend Jazz foster the other day. She thought I didn't notice, but I did. As I don't get the police in the house telling me to be a more responsible guardian, I can deal with that. And she makes sure not to get caught.
Not everyone is so accepting of my dating as my grandchildren are. Sarah Mitchell was plenty upset to see me "cheating" on her grandfather. I think she missed the memo that we were never serious in the first place. Not to mention I've left my hands off him for a while now. He's got enough going on with his kids at home, and I'm not a homewrecker, whatever people may say.
And I'm not exactly sure how Darren Foster is going to explain to his daughter why he's leaving expensive presents at my doorstep. I hope he'll find a good excuse though. I can see why his wife wanted so many of his babies, he knows how to have a fun time *wiggles eyebrows*.
And I'm afraid our good headmaster caught me on a date with someone else when he tried to come bring me a present late at night. I made sure to move those dates inside ASAP from then on. But it still led to some newspaper stealing before I managed to soothe it over.
It's a good thing I did that as well, because with so many dream dates you're bound to have a few close calls. Good thing nobody looks through the windows when dropping off presents in this town.
And boy did it ever pay off, not only in the financial sense. I'm so hot that nobody can leave their hands off me. I've reached 30 lovers, and I'm still going strong!
The kids did make sure to work hard between all that partying. They all ended up reaching the top of their teenage careers.
I guess Keira's attitude does have it's good sides once in a while. She won't take any slack from anyone, not even her own boss. I guess they were impressed that she had the guts to take a stand. In any case, she was thrilled to be earning more money.
Her sister wasn't so lucky though. She spent all day cleaning after a food fight and got docked her pay because she still didn't get done. Poor thing. But then money was never too important to her anyway. As long as she keeps that scholarship from work she won't be too fussed.
I have to say that sometimes her behaviour is a bit strange in that sense. Only a typical knowledge sim could find pleasure in sticking her head into a full trash compactor to try and fix it. At least she didn't get electrocuted, though she did need a shower afterwards.
She managed to get plenty of skills that way though, and ended up gaining scholarships for all of them. She even managed to max out a few. Charisma was especially difficult for her, since she's so shy.
Her brother and sister did study as well, though they weren't quite as enthusiastic. They only did just enough to get the scholarships and earn the skills they'd need for their future careers.
When they weren't skilling, the kids were dating. I guess you can't live with me without picking up a few tricks. Katelyn got together with her sister's best friend Jazz.
And Keira decided to take a big step and go steady with Hendrik Stevenson.
There was a bit of a catch to that though. It seems that Hendrik had been casually dating around a bit before he met Keira and never really told Sophie Miguel that it wasn't anything serious. I guess she found out the hard way in the end. Poor girl was so shocked that she didn't even have the guts to go slap him. She just went home since it was already late.
She's quite upset about it though. Keith asked her about it later and she said that she was still furious.
Keith himeslf was dating Allegra Foster, but he tried to keep that pretty much on the down-low because of their age difference. I'm not sure whether that'll last through college, since she's not going quite yet.
At the end of the week, the kids called up their schollarships and got quite a large ammount each. Katelyn got the most, of course, with §8500. Though her siblings only got one stipendium less each. They threw a big party to celebrate their graduation from highschool. All their friends came.
The police ended up spoiling the party by breaking it up, but everyone had a fun time anyway.
Well, it looks like I'm going to be all alone here until Keith comes back from college. I'm going to enjoy it. Thanks to that elixir of life I should manage to stick around long enough to hold the house. I wouldn't want the triplets to lose their childhood home. Besides, I'm having way too much fun to die just yet.
End of round accomplishments:
- Siobhan's dating spree continues and she finally has 30 lovers
- The triplets all find love and throw loads of parties
- All three teens leave for college at the end of the round
Points this round:
- 10 for Siobhan's IW to have 30 lovers
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